
Happy Halloween! (I know, boring, more gourds, but that's the way the buttons were laid out and I'm too lazy to change my whole organization).


Gourds and gourds and gourds...


Um...weird snaky pumpkin head thing. I really kind of like it in its weirdness.


A witch....


A pile o'pumpkins....I heart Halloween....

This is possibly my favorite halloween button from this set (I have another group of buttons all set to print, I just have to find time!). I don't know why...it's simplicity is brilliant.

Sorry that I suck at doing this everyday. I'll try harder to remember. I'm just damn busy.


And so begin the halloween buttons (which are going to last far past actual Halloween)...

Sort of evil, sort of cute Jack O'Lantern...


Sorry I forgot to post yesterday, I'm not back into the swing of things yet. Sort of good that I did since today's buttons are related. They were made for a friend. I guess the button is from a joke in You, Me and Dupree (is that right?). I guess Owen Wilson was the best man in some wedding and flashed his BM pin to everyone...


Personally I think candy corn is gross. But it makes a nice button...




Buttons are back! I have buttons through Halloween and probably more. There are two left over from the last batch of buttons and then the rest are freshly made.

All of the Halloween buttons will be available for your taking at the Pumpkin Carving Party (if you're coming).

One of the two leftovers (the other will be tomorrow):